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LaChance Library home Mount Wachusett Community College

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Learn about Open Educational Resources - free educational materials available to faculty and students to keep, use, modify, remix, and share.

Subject Specific OER

Click on the tabs of each respective subject to see Open Educational Resources by subject, specific to MWCC. This is a continuously updated page as more content is found for each subject. Below is a directory with even more resources.

Find Astronomy OERs

Find Criminal Justices OERs

CJU 131 Introduction to Criminal Justice

CJU 133 Criminal Law

CJU 134 Criminal Procedure

CJU 233 Criminal Investigation

CJU 240 American Policing

CJU 254 Counseling and Rehabilitation of the Offender

CJU 260 Probation, Parole and Community Corrections

Find Humanities OERs

Find Psychology OERs

Psychology 101 Psychology of Self

Please CONTACT US if you have questions.