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LaChance Library home Mount Wachusett Community College

Circulation: Borrowing

Search MWCC Library Catalog

Borrowing from Other C/W MARS Libraries


  1. Navigate to our LIBRARY CATALOG.
  2. Choose LOG INTO MY ACCOUNT at the top of the page.
  3. Enter your library card number (279451 followed by your student ID number, including the zeros) and your last name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  4. Enter your search terms and choose ALL LIBRARIES.
  5. When you locate the item, choose PLACE HOLD on the right.
  6. Choose SUBMIT.

When the item arrives (usually 3-5 business days), you will receive an email at your MWCC account. You will have one week to pick up the item at the Circulation Desk.

Commonwealth Catalog (ComCat)

If you can't find what you want in C/W MARS, the Commonwealth Catalog extends your search to the entire state of Massachusetts. Requests will be delivered to your local library for pickup.


Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan LogoInterlibrary loan is a free service offered to MWCC students, staff, and faculty. If the information you need is not available from local sources, we can place requests from more distant libraries.

Please CONTACT US if you have questions.