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LaChance Library home Mount Wachusett Community College

Circulation: Course Reserves

FOR STUDENTS: Reserve Materials for Your Courses

  • Instructors place materials (books, articles, videos, etc.) on reserve for their students.
  • These materials are kept behind the Circulation Desk, and may be checked out to MWCC students with a library card.
  • The loan period for items on reserve is determined by the faculty member.
  • Reserve materials are arranged according to course number and instructor’s last name.

FOR FACULTY: Reserve Materials for Your Students

MWCC faculty is invited to place materials for their classes on reserve in the Library

The following guidelines have been established to assist all faculty members with the process:

  • Reserve materials may include books and other materials owned by the library, books owned by the instructor, previous exams, photocopies of journal articles, and other various media (for example, video recordings, software, etc.). All copied materials must adhere to copyright guidelines; see below for specific copyright compliance. Books from other libraries will not be accepted. If personal copies of a book are to be placed on reserve, please understand that a barcode will be placed on the cover. The library is not responsible for damage to personal copies.
  • Reserve materials are located at the library circulation desk. Materials are filed under the course designation and instructor name.
  • Materials should be placed on reserve before they are assigned to students. Please allow a minimum of 2 working days for processing new reserves. Reserve material is processed in the order that it is received, and is not available for use until processing is completed.
  • Instructors must complete a materials reserve form available on this page or by completing a form available at the circulation desk.
  • At the end of the academic year, all materials owned by the library will be returned to the library’s collection. Periodically personal copies will be returned to the owning instructor. Instructors may also retrieve their materials in the library.

Reserve Materials Request Form

Please CONTACT US if you have questions.