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Time Management: Saying "No"

Time is fair, it treats everyone the same, and everyone has all there is. The purpose of time management is to learn how to get things done so there is more time for fun.

Learning how and when to say no can help you better manage your time because it allows you to prioritize yourself over others. Never saying 'no' can cause undue stress and feelings of guilt and frustration that can throw time management plans into disarray. 

Do you have it in your to say 'no' when you need to, and to deal with the consequences of it?

How to Say "No"

It is difficult, and often time uncomfortable, to say 'no' to people in your life. Keep the following in mind when asked to take on a new task- whether it's a one time thing or a longer commitment: 

  • Think before you answer out loud with an insincere or untrue 'yes'
  • Make sure you understand exactly what is being asked of you
  • Review your schedule to see if you really have time to tak eon something new
  • Learn the difference between assertiveness and rudeness
  • Learn how to put yourself and your future first
  • If you must say yes, try to negotiate the deadline so it works better for everyone
  • Offer suggestions to the person asking
  • Put a limit on your 'yes'